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Internal Objectives

1- Service Ojectives

-To establish a Safe & Healthy daycare environment

2- Unique Service

-To establish a unique daycare that will accommodate preschoolers between
the ages of 1.5--5yrs. A daycare that will suit the needs of our clientele.
a) to provide a multi-cultural program with an emphasis on French & and Canadian culture, values and languages.
b) to provide this high quality service within a fun family and in a non- negative stress atmosphere.
c) to provide continual evaluation of the daycare service which will
include service expansion to further meet the needs of the Hellenic
and other communities.

3- Parental Involvement

a) to meet the needs and concerns of parents
b) to provide opportunity for input and participation
c) to allow parents of registered children accessibility to their children, which can promote a feeling of security and trust.
d) to involve parents in meetings, fundraising, and events
e) to encourage parents to be patient while children adapt in daycare

Team Work:

-To encourage open communication and team work, regarding daycare
issues among all members of the daycare’s organization.

Supportive Management:

-Management should explore and make use of ideas in order to ensure
loyalty & effectiveness from their educators.


-The $8.25 fees per day will be for all children effective January 2019:

-To promote Quebec and other cultures

-To do strategic planning in order to re-evaluate the overall daycare goals and purposes and how they will be achieved on a long-term and short-term basis. This would be an asset not only for the continual realization of the economic objectives, but also for continual realization service and personal objectives.

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